January 8, 2018 Meeting Notes

13 in attendance

Action items are in purple.

  1. Sharing
  2. Financial Update
    • Margaret shared the financial statement to date.
    • The yearend financial statement will be prepared after the end of January.
    • Camrose and District Support Services will be able to provide some grant monies again this year, but the amount will reduced due to their budgetary restraints.
  3. Plans for Pride Week – February 26 – March 2
    • Various Augustana Student Association groups are collaborating in planning and hosting Pride Week.
    • Wayne and Carol are on the planning committee to represent Camrose Pride Community.
    • There will be a Bake Sale held during the week (day to be determined) and donations of baking would be appreciated.
    • Camrose Public Library will be planning to host some events and decorate the library in recognition of Pride Week.
    • Discussion followed about possible community events that could be hosted in the community during Pride Week
      1. Special espressOUT during the week at a community coffee shop
      2. Games night at a community venue
      3. Inquire about Quantum Comics making a presentation about queer comic book characters
    • A Glam afternoon will be hosted at House of Hair Design from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 25. Everyone is invited to come and experiment with their makeup and costumes in preparation for So You Think You Can Drag.
    • So You Think You Can Drag will be hosted at the Bailey Theatre on Friday, March 2.
  4. Community Service Learning Opportunity
    • The Augustana Learning and Beyond office contacted Wayne and asked if we would like a Community Service Learning student to assist with Pride Week.
    • Wayne accepted the offer on behalf of Camrose Pride Community, but at this time we do not know yet who it will be or when they will be starting.
  5. Not for Profit Status Discussion
    • Wayne and Margaret will begin work on the Not for Profit Status paperwork in February.
  6. Discussion about Meeting Times and Locations
    • espressOUT has had great turn out since moving to the Augustana Forum.
    • There was discussion about trying out some other community venues for espressOUT to be more visible in the community and show our support for those businesses who have been supportive to us. We also discussed whether or not to move the time from 5:00-6:30 p.m. to 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. No decisions were made at this time.
    • There was also discussion about whether or not to continue to meet at Camrose United Church for our regular meetings and whether or not this may be a deterrent for some people. We discussed other potential venues such as Camrose Public Library.
    • All meetings will remain at the locations and times as advertised for now, but we encourage others to express their opinion to the Leadership Team (Wayne, Gus or Carol) as to locations for our meetings before a decision is made as a group about any changes.
  7. Future Plans
    • Big Valley Jamboree Parade: The group agreed that the entry in the Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August was very successful and we would like to enter again this year.
      1. Consider inviting other groups to participate with us (e.g. GSAs, groups from other communities)
      2. Consider entering the float in the Edmonton Pride Parade
      3. Consider handing out information related to the Prime Minister’s recent apology to the LGBTQ community.
      4. Planning for the Parade entries needs to start very shortly. If you are interested in working on this committee, let the Leadership Team know asap.
    • Community BBQ: Discussion about different ways to do a simplified BBQ event perhaps at a downtown location as a fundraiser.
    • All Ages Dances: We have received very positive feedback about the All Ages Family Dances that we have hosted.
      1. Should we be doing more of these?
      2. Timing is important to consider: possibly on in April or May and one in the early Fall
    • Educational Events: We are seeking input from members about what types of educational events are desired. We discussed some possible sessions:
      1. Another discussion about Homosexuality and the Bible (led by Liz Carter-Morgan)
      2. An interfaith panel about responses to the LGBTQ community
      3. Types of relationships
      4. Film Series about Changing Attitudes about Sex from 1850’s to 1950’s
      5. Topics that come out of the discussion notes from the Status of Queer Conference in October
    • Community Connections:
      1. Community Registration Night is a good opportunity to let the Community know we are active.
      2. Marnie Panas will be the guest speaker at Camrose United Church in the spring.
      3. We will be hosting another Expressive Arts Night on March 5.
      4. We will attend the Augustana Human Library from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 5 and then follow this with a short meeting just outside of the Augustana Faith and Life Chapel.
  8. Other items for discussion
    • Google Calendar has now been included on the Camrose Pride Website. Jen will post 3 months at a time. Send any dates that need to be posted to Jen.
    • The Photo Gallery is going to be going live soon on the website. Please send any photos to Jen and make sure that permission has been obtained by those in the photos.

November 6, 2017 Meeting Notes


7 present; Gus chaired the meeting.

Action items are in purple

  1. Sharing and Connection à wonderful time of sharing what is going on in our lives
  2. Review of most recent events
    1. Status of Queer Conference: Good responses anecdotally from participants; more conferences are being planned (see 5 e and f)
    2. All Ages Dance Party:125-150 in attendance; lots of families and children in attendance
    3. espressOUT in the Augustana Forum: continues to be a good place to host espressOUT
  3. Financial statement: will be updated when the bills for the Dance Party are paid; a small grant will be received from CDSS for the upcoming year; CDSS is willing to continue being the banker
  4. Upcoming Events
    1. Expressions of Community on November 27 @ 6:30-9:30
      1. Preregistration required – 11 confirmed; Jen will contact the facilitator with the preregistration numbers
    2. Family and Friends Support Group: local support groups will be listed on the new parent support website that altView is launching soon (see 5d)
    3. espressOUT in the Augustana Forum Nov. 20 5:00 – 6:30 pm
    4. Holiday Potluck and Family Dance Party Dec. 4 @ 6:00 pm
      1. Invite family and friends – spread the word!
      2. Planning
        1. Potluck helpers-Liz will be the kitchen supervisor
        2. Program helpers-Box game: Gus
        3. Decorations-Keep it simple; tablecloths; twinkle lights: Margaret and Carol will be responsible; borrow small tree and lights from Carl
        4. Music for Dance Party-Gus and Jordan will work on a playlist
  5. Other items for discussion
    1. Pride Week at Augustana and in the Community
      1. Who is willing to work on planning committee for this? Wayne
      2. There is an LGBTQ+ Council has been formed to plan Pride Week; they will be meeting in December
      3. Pride Week will be held from February 26 to March 2; the Bailey Theatre has been booked for March 2 for So You Think You Can Drag
    2. Pursuing Not for Profit Status-Use the template from the Corporate Registry; Margaret will get the paperwork collected; we will start simply and then modify and revise from there
    3. Other items from the group
  • altView will be launching a new website to support parents in supporting their LGBTQ+ children; this has transpired out of their work with the Government on Bill 24! Way to go altView!
  • altView is planning another conference in May in Edmonton with ISMSS and the Government of Alberta focused upon supporting parents
  • The next Status of Queer Conference will be held somewhere in rural Alberta in the third week of September 2018; location to be determined
  • Jen has been working on the resources section on the website and has the links working; test out the links and report any problems with links
  • The Google Calendar will be uploaded to the website.
  • Thank you notes for those who helped with the All Ages Dance Party will be sent shortly; Carol will write them and Jen will deliver them
  • There is a new doctor in town at the Smith Clinic who is accepting new patients of all ages and sexual orientations! Dr. Charley Boyd is now practicing medicine in Camrose!

November 6, 2017 Meeting Agenda

6:00-8:00 pm. Camrose United Church Parlour

  1. Sharing and Connection
  2. Review of most recent events
    • Status of Queer Conference
    • All Ages Dance Party
    • espressOUT in the Augustana Forum
  3. Financial statement
  4. Upcoming Events
    1. Expressions of Community on November 27 @ 6:30-9:30
      • Preregistration required – how are the numbers?
    2. espressOUT in the Augustana Forum Nov. 20 5:00 – 6:30 pm
    3. Holiday Potluck and Family Dance Party Dec. 4 @ 6:00 pm
      • Invite family and friends – spread the word!
      • Planning
        • Potluck helpers
        • Program helpers
        • Decorations
        • Music for Dance Party
  5. Other items for discussion
    1. Pursuing Not for Profit Status
    2. Pride Week at Augustana and in the Community-Collaboration with AQUA
      • Who would like to work on this planning committee?
    3. Other items from the group