April 8, 2019 Monthly Meeting

Camrose Pride Community
Date: Monday, April 8th, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Bunker

Attendees: 6
Nikki F. and Wayne W. send their regrets

  1. Introductions and Updates
    1. Amielle C. wishes to remind everyone that Wheat and Laurel, her literary journal for rural Alberta youth ages 11-19, is having its first issue launch party at the Camrose Public Library Sunday, April 14th, 2019 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm. Please attend if you are able.
  2. Leadership Positions Open
    1. Lucas H. nominated by Gus B. to be Secretary. The motion was seconded by Margaret H. The motion was passed. Congratulations to Lucas H. as our new secretary.
    2. The Treasurer position is still open.
      1. Margaret H. will continue being the banker until the Treasurer position is filled. Margaret would like to point out that she is retiring in May of 2020, at which point priorities could change.
    3. The position description of each leadership team position can be found in our bylaws, which can be found with Margaret H. She will make the bylaws available to everybody.
      1. Note: we are hoping bylaws and other documents can be readily available to all and request those with documents make it known to Margaret, including electronic documents.
  3. Margaret H., our banker, will be away from May 27th, 2019 to July 7th, 2019, at which point funds will be out of reach. This is during our Pride BBQ and preparations for our parade float.
    1. Still under deliberation and consideration
  4. Financial Report
    1. We currently have $3,213.87.
    2. Revenue includes $500 from CDSS and a net profit of $576 from the Ages and Stages Dance at the end of March after ~$600 of expenses from the $1,228 gross revenue.
    3. Previous expenses included ~$2,177
    4. The Nordley’s Coat Check fundraising brought us $870, including the tips from the bar staff. Many thanks go out to them for supporting Pride Camrose.
    5. Some expenses incurred were paid out of gross, of which we received the net.
  5. Society Status
    1. Gus B. is still working towards our society designation with the Government of Alberta. Unfortunately, they had mis-typed his e-mail address last year and he never received the information he needed to move forward with the society designation, so the application had to be restarted in February. Thank you to Carol and Margaret H. for starting that process. While this does set things back, it does give us more opportunity to understand what we will need when we receive society status, including what positions will be needed to add to the executive team or the possibility of additional directors. This positions will need to be defined for our society status.
    2. We would like to receive more information about society and board status with the government Alberta. For instance, are we able to open a bank account without being a designated society? We are hoping someone will take up the mantle on finding that information from various banks around Camrose.
    3. We will contact the Alberta Government about our status after elections, which have paused a lot of government services.
  6. CPC Storage
    1. Currently items are stored at Gus B. Salon. Unfortunately, that space will no longer be accessible soon, due to the business being sold and moved. Robyn G. has graciously offered us space in her home. Her space will be available after April 25th, 2019. There are about 4 shelves of items.
    2. Nikki F. has possession of most of the electronic documents relating to the Camrose Pride Community, including flash drives.
  7. Upcoming Events and Plans
    1. BBQ in June – Sunday, June 16th, 2019
      1. The cost of the BBQ in the previous years has been as follows:
        1. 2016 – $556
        2. 2017 – $271
        3. 2018 – $281
      2. The price has been dependent on advertising cost and how much volunteer effort was put into raising donations. In the previous years Rebecca has been very active in receiving donations, of which there were considerable last year. She also donated much herself last year. We would like to have a call out for volunteers who can go out and ask for donations.
      3. There was also much spent last year on decorative items and supplies that won’t need to be repurchased this year.
      4. In order to preapprove spending for auditor purposes, Gus B. raised motion to approve petty cash spending up to $500 for the BBQ. Stephen seconds the motion. The motion is passed. Nikki with the CDSS can issue cheques with this preapproval.
      5. The BBQ follows Edmonton Pride Week, which may provide some advertising opportunities.
      6. Unfortunately Amielle and Margaret will be away, and Gus B. cannot commit to a Saturday. We have moved the date of the BBQ to Sunday, June 16th, 2019 instead. Details will come.
      7. Nikki F. will head the BBQ Subcommittee with AltView.
        1. What will be involved with the planning committee?
        2. We will ask Rebecca was she is willing and able to do.
      8. The event will take place in a city park, which is City of Camrose property, therefore we will need to apply to hold a special event there.
        1. This application should be made by May 15th at the absolute latest.
        2. Nikki F. can most likely apply for park use and be the liaison with the City of Camrose.
      9. Home Hardware has a community BBQ can that be used free-of-charge. They will also deliver and pick-up the BBQ.
        1. Gus B. will call Home Hardware to book the BBQ for June 16th.
      10. We will send out calls for a volunteer cook – Camrose Police?
      11. We will need certification with Alberta Health Services.
      12. We will need someone to decorate with balloons, streamers, etc.
      13. We will need someone responsible for advertising.
        1. We have last year’s poster and with updates it could be submitted to Camrose Morning News, The Centracam Poster should go up at the end of May.
        2. CDSS may be able to help with advertising.
      14. The majority of the work can be done in May for preparations.
      15. Nikki F. will also ask around about information pertaining to a BBQ, especially with the police, as they recently had a BBQ.
    2. Pride Parade – Sunday, August 4th, 2019
      1. The Pride Parade will be the first weekend of August, during the Big Valley Jamboree on Sunday, August 4th, 2019.
      2. Gus B. motions to approve $500 petty cash for Pride Parade. Stephen seconds the motion. The motion is passed.
      3. Last year we had success with borrowing Trish’s convertible for the float. It was driven by Dale. We will need a Driver’s License and Insurance. Note: it is not an easy car to drive.
      4. Guests
        1. Robyn Banks had walked with us last year: would she like to participate again this year?
        2. Would Melissa like to walk with us as Sir Racha?
        3. Shall we extend the invitation for all to dress in drag if they are comfortable?
        4. We willneed a clipboard with a waiver to cover the insurance. We will also need more information about the rules involved. CDSS can help us apply with the Chamber of Commerce and cover for WCB. Amielle will call the Chamber of Commerce for more information about this.
      5. Organization will be charged by Amielle and assisted by Nikki F.
      6. Decorations
        1. We have many rainbow pompoms from the previous year.
  8. Symposium
    1. The symposium was a day-long event at the Chapel at Augustana with keynote speakers Gary Wellson and Marie Parnas, and included talks on How to Be a Better Ally and How to Deal with Bigotry.
    2. There were many resources available
    3. It was well attended with about 40 guests, most of whom were students, though University administrators did attend as well.
    4. We are hoping to have another next year with even more success, including with new keynote speakers who may provide new insight for the LGBTQ+ community.
    5. Unfortunately, information collected at the Symposium, including the e-mail addresses of people that want updates from the CPC have been lost. We are hoping to inquire to get them from the UofA.
  9. Ages and Stages Dance
    1. It went really well, although perhaps in the future we will not combine an under 18 with an over 18 event. It is better to keep these as two separate entities on two separate days, as most people were too tired to take part in anything occurring after 10:00 pm, with attendance dropping to about 5.
    2. The silent auction should be in a more obvious and accessible place to encourage more donations.
    3. In future events, perhaps we can involve all three LGBTQ+ organizations (CPC, AltView, AQUA) more heavily to encourage stronger attendance.
    4. In the future we would like more emphasis on the dance, instead of the cabaret aspects. The considerable amount of performances did not engage children as well as free dancing.
      1. Hiring a DJ is recommended for future dances. Rates are reasonable.
    5. Retro may not be the best venue for an event like this. Perhaps the Bailey or Elk Hall would be more appropriate in the future.
    6. In the future, over 18 events could occur in tandem with AQUA. Perhaps an event a semester would work well.
  10. Upcoming Regular Meetings
    1. EspressOUT
      1. Monday, April 29th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:30pm
        1. Gus b. Will ask Sarah from Camrose Coffee about hosting us again this month.
    2. Friends and Family Meeting
      1. Monday, May 6th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Bunker
        1. This event is for the parents, family, and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals.
    3. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      1. Monday, May 13th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Bunker
        1. Meeting agenda will be made by Nikki F.
  11. Sharing Circle
    1. Please go vote!
  12. Meeting adjourned: 6:40pm

April 8 Meeting Agenda

Camrose Pride Community
April 8, 2019 Meeting Agenda
6-8 pm
Camrose Public Library in the Bunker

  1. Introductions
  2. Leadership Team Positions open:
    • Need Position descriptions so we can advertise to the community what/who we are looking for
      • Secretary – position description?
      • Treasurer – position description?
        • Bank Account – Margaret H. is willing to continue being the banker for CPC through CDSS for the current time and work with a new Treasurer – would be best for CPC to open its own bank account before end of 2019
    • Any other positions that are needed for when CPC gets its Society designation? Leadership Team will become the Volunteer Board of Directors
      • Nikki, as a paid employee of the altView Foundation is to support the Leadership Team/Board, but cannot be actually on said Team/Board
  3. Banker, Margaret H. away from May 27 to July 7th, which puts the funds for the BBQ and any preparing for the parade float during that time, out of reach. How will we navigate this?
    • Nikki, in her altView role, is willing to keep a CPC petty cash during this time, if that is something the Leadership Team feels is the right way forward
    • Any other ideas?
  4. Financial Report – Margaret H.
  5. Update on Society status – Gus
    • Have we heard anything? Should we contact them?
  6. Storage for CPC items
    • Where are CPC items located now?
      • Event items are where – parade float, BBQ, table-top display, etc.?
      • Nikki has possession of binders, flash drive with files from Carol, package of printing paper
      • Do we need to plan for a permanent storage solution for parade float items, BBQ items, etc.?
  7. Upcoming events and plans
    • BBQ in June
      • BBQ Date suggested by Nikki (heading Planning Committee) – June 15th (Saturday); This is the weekend after Edmonton Pride week, so flows well, and won’t be in competition with their events for our members who want to attend
      • Is there a favoured location to host the BBQ this year?
      • Need members to join the Planning Committee
      • Do we have a budget for this? Last year’s BBQ cost $556
    • Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August –  
      • Planning committee headed by Amielle – any news?
      • Do we have a budget for this? Do we know what we spent last year?
  8. Discussion of Symposium – Melissa W. – What went well, what lessons and feedback
  9. Discussion of All Ages and Stages Dance and Cabaret – what went well, lessons learned, feedback – what should we do differently for future fundraisers?
  10. Upcoming Regular Meetings:
    • espressOUT on April 29th, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Where should we hold espressOUT in April? The Forum? Off campus in a coffee shop? Where?
    • Friends and Family Meeting at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the first Monday of the month (May 6) 6-8 p.m.
    • Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the second Monday of the month (May 13) 6-8 p.m
      • *Nikki will assist the Leadership Team with the creation of an agenda for this meeting, but cannot attend – Amielle can you take notes again?
  11. Sharing Circle

March 11, 2019

Camrose Pride Community,
March 11, 2019
6-8 pm Camrose Public Library, in the Bunker

The meeting was chaired by Gus. Wayne sent his regrets.

17 people were in attendance (at different times or on the phone) during the meeting.


2.Discussion with Camrose Police Services to help them with their strategic planning

Camrose Police Service representatives and City of Camrose Strategic planners were in attendance to ask for our honest feedback on what they are doing well and how they can improve in the future.

They will be asked 2 questions:

  1. What aspects of public safety and policing are going well in Camrose?
  2. What areas of concern could be improved and/or use increased attention from police and the community?

There was good discussion in the group, but concern was expressed that there are voices in the LGBTQ2S+ Community that are not being heard.

Camrose Police Services urges anyone who has anything to share with them either positive or negative, to submit responses to police@camrose.ca at any time. If people wish to submit them anonymously, they may email camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com and Camrose Pride Community will not reveal the person’s identity when their comments are shared.

3. Potential Collaboration with Walkable Camrose-Janet Roy

  • a. Janet shared that the Walkable Camrose Committee has been discussing the possibility of engaging various groups, like Camrose Pride Community, in something called tactical urbanism. These would be peaceful, non-permanent changes to the environment that could draw attention to a situation that the group would like to change.
  • b. Janet shared a number of images of examples such as temporary art expressions on streets or in parks. The group was particularly interested in painting the rainbow crosswalks.
  • c. There was discussion about how, when and where this might be possible.

4. Potential Collaboration with Camrose Arts Society for various upcoming events-Jane Cherry-Lemire

  • a. Jane shared three opportunities to become involved with various events in Camrose in the upcoming months.
  • i. Arts and Recreation in the Park on June 22 11am to 5pm
  • ii. Celebrate Canada on July 1 from 12-6 pm (activity portion of the day)
  • iii. Alberta Culture Days on September 27-29
  • Potential partners are invited to a meeting on March 15 at 1:30 pm at the Arts Centre to present their ideas and a budget that could potentially be added to a grant application. Nikki will explore this possibility.
  • b. Jane also mentioned that there is also the potential of combining the tactical urbanism with some of the Arts Centre events. This will be explored and discussed further, but requires people to take leadership roles.

5. Margaret shared the Treasurer’s report.

  • a. There is approximately $1500 that is undesignated presently.
  • b. There was discussion about how the group needs to be conscious of financial and human resources moving forward since Jen and Carol will no longer be providing leadership support. This needs to be taken into consideration when considering upcoming events.
  • c. Good news was shared that Nikki Featherstone has been hired by altView to support the work of Camrose Pride Community (the vacancy created when Jen moved). Nikki will have approximately 10 hours per week to provide this support. There will be a need for others to step forward to offer leadership in various areas that the group needs. This will be discussed more fully at the next meeting.

6. Other Business

  • a. March 23: Fostering Allyship for a More Inclusive Future Symposium at Augustana-Preregister by emailing augustanaaqua@gmail.com; $10 registration includes lunch (registering prior to March 19 would really help the organizers in planning the food!)
  • b. March 23 All Ages and Stages Dance and Cabaret at Retro 7-10 p.m. (all ages) and 10 pm- closing (adults only) Advance tickets can be purchased at Retro and Quantum Comics and at the door (space is limited).
  • c.BBQ in June? Planning committee?
  • i. Nikki offered to head up a planning committee.
  • ii. More committee members are needed. Please let us know if you can help.
  • d. Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August? Planning committee?
  • i. Amielle offered to assist with the parade planning.
  •   ii. More committee members are needed. Please let us know if you can help.

7. Discussion of successes of Pride Week, lessons learned and feedback

  • a. There was limited time for discussion, but the general tone of feedback was positive about the variety of events and times they were offered during the week. So You Think You Can Drag continues to grow and be a very popular event in the community.

8. Upcoming Regular Meetings:

  • a. espressOUT on March 25 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Camrose Coffee on main street next to Bellissima Fashions (across the street from Camrose United Church). This is a new coffee shop in Camrose that is very happy to host the espressOUT conversation group.
  • b. Friends and Family Meeting at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the first Monday of the month (April 1) 6-8 p.m.
  • c. The Traveling Tickle Trunk education event and sale has been rescheduled to April 1. It was postponed during Pride Week due to the illness of the presenter. Details will be announced shortly.
  • d. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the second Monday of the month (April 8) 6-8 p.m.
  • *Nikki will assist the Leadership Team with the creation of an agenda for this meeting and Amielle will record meeting notes.

9. Sharing

A delicious and beautiful cake decorated with rainbow colours and the Pride Flag was shared to acknowledge Carol’s leaving. She was presented with a card and words of thanks.  

March 11, 2019 Meeting 6-8 p.m.

Everyone is invited to the meeting at Camrose Public Library 6-8 pm. We hope to see you!

Here’s the agenda:

1. Introductions

2. Discussion with Camrose Police Services to help them with their strategic planning
i. Camrose Police Service representatives and City of Camrose Strategic planners will be in attendance to ask for our honest feedback on what they are doing well and how they can improve in the future. They are asking for honest and open conversation about this.
ii. They will be asking 2 questions:

1. What aspects of public safety and policing are going well in Camrose?
2. What areas of concern could be improved and/or use increased attention from police and the community?

iii. If you cannot attend the meeting, or if you prefer you may submit your responses to police@camrose.ca prior to March 11. If you wish to submit them anonymously, you may email camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com and we will not reveal your identity when we share your comments at the meeting.

3. Potential Collaboration with Walkable Camrose-Janet Roy

4. Potential Collaboration with Camrose Arts Society for various upcoming events-Jane Cherry-Lemire

5. Upcoming events and plans

a. March 23: Fostering Allyship for a More Inclusive Future Symposium at Augustana-Preregister by emailing augustanaaqua@gmail.com; $10 registration includes lunch (registering prior to March 19 would really help the organizers in planning the food!)
b. March 23 All Ages and Stages Dance and Cabaret at Retro 7-10 p.m. (all ages) and 10-? (adults only) Tickets can be purchased in advance at Retro and Quantum Comics and at the door. Space is limited.
c. BBQ in June? Planning committee?
d. Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August? Planning committee?

6. Discussion of successes of Pride Week, lessons learned and feedback

7. espressOUT on March 25 5:30-7:00 p.m. Where should we hold espressOUT in March? The Forum? Off campus in a coffee shop? Where?

8. Sharing

Check out the Queer Like Me Art Show at Camrose Public Library and the Re-imaging Normal Show below!

January 14, 2019 Meeting Agenda

January 14, 2019 6-8 pm at House of Hair Design


Sharing and Connection

  1. Discussion of past events
  • Pizza and a Movie Night on December 10

2. Planning for upcoming events

  • EspressOUT on January 28 at Fika Coffeehouse (4803-48 street)
  • Friends and Family Support Group meeting on Feb. 4 6-8 pm. at Camrose Public Library in the Bunker
  • Queer Like Me Youth Art Project in January and Art Show in February
    • Volunteers needed for planning of Art Show opening
  • Fundraising opportunity with the Nordlys Film Festival February 15-17
    • Scheduling of volunteers for the coat check

3. Pride Week February 24 to March 2

Collaboration with AQUA

    • Lineup of events
    • Volunteers needed
  • Request to City Council to fly the Pride Flag (update)
  • Camrose Queer Symposium in collaboration with AQUA at Augustana on March 23
    • Information
    • Volunteer opportunities
  • Family Dance on March 23 at Retro
    • Volunteers needed to help with planning
  • Possible Augustana CSL student projects

4. Opportunities to be part of the Camrose Pride Community Leadership Team

5. Other ideas?

6. Next regular meeting: January 28 meeting for Conversation and Connection at Fika Coffeehouse 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.


January 2019 Events

Monday, January 14 6:00-8:00 p.m. Regular Monthly Meeting for Connection and Planning

At House of Hair Design (4830-48 Street)

Add your input to our plans for an exciting Pride Week at the end of February and for a fundraiser on the Family Day Long weekend. There are lots more exciting plans in the works!

All LGBTQ2S+ people and allies are welcome!


expressOUT on Monday, January 28 5:30-7:00 p.m

At Fika Coffeehouse (4803-48 street)

All LGBTQ2S+ people and allies are welcome to this conversation group.

November 19, 2018 Meeting Notes

November 19, 2018 6-8 pm at House of Hair Design

Meeting Notes

A. Sharing and Connection: 12 people were in attendance

B. Discussion of past events

    1. Hay Lakes QSA event
      • Michael Green of altView gave an excellent presentation that was very informative and helpful. This emphasized that importance of providing an opportunity for people to express their concerns and have them addressed with accurate information.
    2. Pride Kodiaks Hockey Game on October 19
      • Boris Rybalka, GM and Head Coach of the Kodiaks, was very welcoming and did a lot to highlight inclusion in sports at the game. Thanks to the Kodiaks for their support and to Jeff McLean of Pride Tape.

3. espressOUT in October

  • Well attended in the Augustana Forum; consensus is that it is easiest for Augustana students to drop by if espressOUT is on campus or close to campus
  • Consensus to try Fika as a location for espressOUT in January.
  • Action: Melissa will contact Fika about possibility for having espressOUT at Fika on January 28.

C. Planning for upcoming events

  1. espressOUT on November 26
  • During Wellness Week at Augustana
  • Action: Carol will send information to Alex of the ASA to see if the notice can be included in the Wellness Week activity schedule.

2. Friends and Family Support Group

    • Meeting on Dec. 3 6-8 pm. at Camrose Public Library in the Bunker
    • Spread the word that all friends and family are welcome to attend.

3. December 10 Pizza and a Movie Night

  • We will meet at Gus’ house at 6:00 p.m.
  • Contact Camrose Pride for the address.
  • We still need to find a suitable movie to watch. Suggestions?

4. December 11 Potential AQUA event

    • Will not work at this time, but future possible collaborations will be explored especially regarding necessary insurance coverage

5. Queer Like Me Youth Art Project in January and Art Show in February

    • The Camrose Police Association gave Camrose Pride a $1000 grant to run the project.
    • It will be open to queer youth (up to the age of 24) in Camrose and area on January 11, 18 and 25 at the Boys and Girls Club in the Community Centre from 6-8 p.m.
    • Registration is confidential and can be done by emailing Nikki Featherstone nkmfeatherstone@gmail.com
    • Youth will have the option to include their creations in a Queer Like Me Art Exhibition at the Camrose Public Library. The Gala opening of the exhibit will be on Thursday, February 28 during Pride Week.
    • Information will be sent out about this project before the end of November.

6. Fundraising opportunity with the Nordlys Film Festival February 15-17

  • Group consensus was that we would have enough volunteers to help out at the coat check at the Nordlys Film Festival as a fundraiser for Camrose Pride
  • Action: Carol will contact the Nordlys organizers.

7. Possible Augustana CSL student projects

    • Good possibility that there will be some Community Service Learning Students who will be able to help with Pride Week activities and a community safe spaces initiative starting in February 2019.

8. Pride Week February 24-March 2: Collaboration with AQUA

  • Many exciting ideas for Pride Week were shared by Melissa, Carol and Cathie.
  • Meeting will be happening shortly with the Augustana Student Association Pride Committee

9. Formation of a Pride Week planning committee

  • Melissa and Carol will try to coordinate the various committees for planning a fantastic Pride Week.

10. Request to City Council to fly the Pride Flag

  • Action: Carol will write a letter that can be signed by the co-chairs of Camrose Pride Community and AQUA to request that the pride flag be flown again for Pride Week in February and each Pride Week thereafter

11. Family Dance

  • March 23 is a good possibility for a Family Dance at the Retro Pub
  • Action: Carol will check the date with the Retro Pub
  • Cathie has a theatrical friend from Halifax who is willing to do live Karaoke of cabaret songs with the attendees.
  • Action: The event organizers will request that Robyn Bank$ also perform that night as well as other local drag kings and queens.

12. Report from AQUA leadership rep on other upcoming events in the works

    • AQUA, in collaboration with the Chester Ronning Centre, is planning to host a one day conference on Queer Rural Issues at Augustana on either March 16 or 23
    • A committee to plan this event is being formed.
    • The group had many ideas for speakers and topics.
    • AQUA has invited Camrose Pride Community members to a movie night in the Wahkohtowin Lodge Classroom at Augustana on Thursday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m. to watch the movie “Love, Simon”. Food and snacks will be provided.

D. Opportunities to be part of the Camrose Pride Community Leadership Team

    • Carol will be retiring from her position with Camrose Pride Community in mid-March.
    • Action: If anyone is interested in taking on the role of Secretary for Camrose Pride Community, contact the Leadership Team to discuss this responsibility.

E. Other items or ideas

  • There have been some requests for activities for youth in the community who are in the 12-19 year old range.
    • Discussion and brainstorming generated ideas like collaborating with About Time Productions and/or Camrose Public Library to offer some activities and opportunities to connect with other youth. This might be possible on Friday afternoons when there is early dismissal from high schools.
  • Concern was expressed that there is a lot of misinformation around transgender issues that would be a good topic to address with a presentation in the community and at Augustana.
  • Action: Jen will do some research on who might be able to present this information and when (possibly during Pride Week?)

F. Next regular meeting: January 14 meeting for sharing and planning at House of Hair Design 6-8 pm


November 19, 2018 Meeting Agenda

November 19, 2018 6-8 pm at House of Hair Design

Draft Agenda

If anyone has other items to be added to the agenda, contact the leadership team at Camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com.

1. Sharing and Connection

2. Discussion of past events

  • Hay Lakes QSA event
  • Pride Kodiaks Hockey Game on October 19
  • espressOUT in October

3. Planning for upcoming events

  • EspressOUT on November 26
  • Friends and Family Support Group meeting on Dec. 3 6-8 pm. at Camrose Public Library in the Bunker
  • December 10 Pizza and a Movie
  • Fundraising opportunity with the Nordlys Film Festival
  • Queer Like Me Youth Art Project in January
  • Possible Augustana CSL student projects
  • Pride Week February 24-March 2: Collaboration with AQUA
  • Formation of a Pride Week planning committee
  • Family Dance (perhaps on March 23)
  • Report from AQUA leadership rep on other upcoming events in the works

4. Opportunities to be part of the Camrose Pride Community Leadership Team

5. Other items or ideas?