April 4, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Camrose Pride Community April 3, 2017 Meeting

Camrose United Church 6:00 p.m.

Number in attendance: 16

Sharing: What’s rocking your world?

Reflections on Pride Week events

a. What went well?

  • Rae Spoon was great
  • Marni Panas was amazing
  • Lots of enthusiasm from businesses

b. What could we have done differently?

  • So You Think You Can Drag pulled in many people from the community c. What ideas do we want to try for next year?
  • Assist AQUA with advertising next year
  • Discuss collaboration with AQUA
  • Form a committee of AQUA and CPC from the beginning
  • Banner displayed publically in downtown Camrose; investigate prices (check with Carl)
  • Fundraising for a Pride Week banner

Upcoming events and opportunities

a. Canada 150 Film Night on April 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Bailey Theatre; screening of “Breakfast with Scot”, hosted and introduced by Camrose Pride Community (Gus and/or Wayne)

Previewing of the film on April 13 at 7:00 p.m. for pizza and popcorn at Gus’ house

b. Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition

  • Michael Pfair and a colleague will come to do a presentation on LGBTQ Seniors; October 3 at Camrose Public Library; time to be determined; Senior’s Coalition is partnering and assuming the expenses of the event; reaching out to providers re: policy

c. Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute Student project

Self directed summer program with Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute; Marissa is going to be doing the research; will be connecting with The Bethany Group and will be researching Saskatoon (that has some educational programs); different CPC members would be happy to connect with Marissa

d. Participation with altView in Edmonton Pride Parade on June 10

  • Set up at 8:00 a.m.; meet at 8:30 a.m.; waivers are required to be completed
  • The Rainbow bus was vandalized and cannot be used in the Edmonton Pride Parade; flat bed trailer is being used
  • Waivers must be signed before the middle of May (forms will be available at the next meeting)

e. Safety Training at May 1 meeting

  • Carlile and Wayne will meet to develop a presentation for the next meeting

Grants and opportunities they provide

  • CDSS grant $1000
  • Status of Women grant for Family Violence Response Council to provide Expressive Arts sessions for AQUA and Camrose Pride

Planning for upcoming events: Sharing of ideas and Committee Formation

a. Jaywalkers Jamboree Booth on June 2 & 3: Fundraiser

  • Wayne will serve as chairperson of this committee
  • $180 for a table at Jaywalker’s Jamboree (Carl has generously agreed to pay for the booth)
  • Jen has asked the Social Concerns Committee of Camrose United Church
  • Amber has organized all the supplies for Jaywalker’s Jamboree face painting
  • Carl has offered to host the booth in front of his business
  • Carl has ordered rainbow flags that we can distribute
  • Amber and Carol will work on the details for the Face painting booth

Community BBQ on June 24

  • Subcommittee needed; Carol will serve as chairperson of this committee

Big Valley Jamboree Parade entry on August 3

  • Gus will serve as chairperson of this committee
  • TNeal has a truck and an 18 foot flatbed trailer we can borrow
  • Subcommittee needed
  • Construction of float
  • Safety planning

Please let Camrose Pride Community know if you would be able to assist with any of the upcoming events; we need volunteers for these events to be successful!

Other points for discussion

  • Letter to the Editor in Camrose Booster March 28, 2017
  • Carlile, Gus and Carol will compose a response to the Letter to the Editor

Next meetings

April 10 Family and Friends Support Group at 7:00 at Camrose United Church

April 13 7:00 p.m. previewing of “Breakfast with Scot” at Gus’ house with pizza and popcorn (contact Gus for details–> 780-781-7859)

April 17 espressOUT drop in conversation coffee group 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at Starbucks

April 19 National Film Day at the Bailey Theatre 4:00 showing of “Breakfast with Scot”, introduced by Camrose Pride Community

May 1 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Camrose Pride Community regular meeting


April 3, 2017 Sharing and Planning Meeting Agenda

1. Sharing : What’s rocking your world?

2. Reflections on Pride Week events
a. What went well?
b. What could we have done differently?
c. What ideas do we want to try for next year?

3. Upcoming events and opportunities
a. Canada 150 Film Night on April 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Bailey Theatre; screening of “Breakfast with Scot”, hosted and introduced by Camrose Pride Community
• Previewing of the film on April 14 at Gus’ house (time to be determined since it is Good Friday)
b. Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition
c. Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute Student project
d. Participation with altView in Edmonton Pride Parade on June 10
e. Safety Training at May 1 meeting
f. Grants and opportunities they provide

4. Planning for upcoming events: Sharing of ideas and Committee Formation
a. Jaywalkers Jamboree Booth on June 2 & 3: Fundraiser
b. Community BBQ on June 24
c. Big Valley Jamboree Parade entry on August 3
• Construction of float
• Safety planning

5. Other points for discussion

  • Letter to the Editor in Camrose Booster March 28, 2017

6.Committee work

 7. Sharing of Committee work with whole group