Meeting Notes from June 5, 2017

Camrose Pride Community

June 5, 2017

Meeting Notes

 Attendance: 13

  • Introductions and Sharing
  • Viewing and discussion of the Video “What I love about being queer” by Vivek Shraya
  • Debrief about Jaywalkers’ Jamboree event on June 2 & 3
    1. Thank yous to Amber and Jen for their amazing efforts
    2. Very generous donations
    3. Good exposure for the group
    4. Appreciation expressed for having a game for your children
    5. Good connections made
    6. Thank you for Carl for his generosity and hospitality
    7. Jane Cherry asked if the group could be involved with the Arts in the Park event on June 17, 2017 Action: Wayne will follow up with Jane to determine if it will work for us to be involved      
  • Memorandum of Understanding with altView
  • The group looked it over and no further revisions were suggested.
  • Action: Gus, Wayne and Carol to proceed with process with the assistance of altView  
  • Financial Update: Margaret
  • Financial expenses report is available upon request
  • We are in good shape financially for our events.
  • Business regarding Upcoming Events
    • Community BBQ on June 24 (Carol)
    • Posters will be printed and distributed
    • Action: Dusty and Jen will hang up posters
    • Action: Margaret will send the notice out to Interagency and Camrose Morning News
    • Action: Send your name to Carol if you would like to help set up2
  • Float in Big Valley Jamboree Parade on August 3 (Gus and Carl)
    • Action: Jen will send an email out to provide a deadline for participation in the parade
    • Action: send names to Jen
    • Action: Suggest songs for a play list,  send ideas to Gus
  • Campfire event (Bryan M. taking the lead): Bryan will have the information in time to advertise at the BBQ
  • Community Registration Night on September 7  Action: volunteers needed
  • LGBTQ Seniors presentation on October 4 (collaboration with Camrose Seniors Coalition)
    • Two part event:
      1. Part 1 is a private lunch with Michael Pfair as a safe space to ask questions
      2. Discussion about how to get the word out
      3. 1:30 – 3:30 presentation in the Rosehaven auditorium targeted at people who work in the Seniors’ facilities
  • Provincial Conference possibilities (altView and ISMSS taking the lead)
    • Mid October hosted at Augustana
    • Panel discussions and round tables about LGBTQ issues
    • Primarily for organizations but open to individuals as well
    • Looking for a diverse range of organizations and individuals to enrich and network in the rural areas
    • More information will be forthcoming as the details are solidified
  • Journey towards registering as a Not-for profit Organization
  • Wayne, Gus and Carol will look into the logistics
  • altView has offered their documentation that can be adapted
  • We don’t want to miss out on funding opportunities.
  • Consensus is for the organization to move forward with the Not for Profit Registration Action: Gus, Wayne and Carol to start the process with support of altView

Final announcements or other business

    • Safe to Be Me: Weekly Open Art Therapy Group at Haven Art Therapy Studio à there are some small scholarships available for those to whom the registration fee may be a barrier
    • The Alberta Foundation for the Arts has funding available for LGBTQ programming that we could explore in partnership with someone like Nikki
    • Diane McLaren has funding through the Family Violence Action Society to facilitate 2 Expressive Arts sessions with AQUA and Camrose Pride Community
    • Amielle introduced the “hot off the press” Anaqueers Volume I, Issue I a zine, hand printed and hand coloured by Ehren and Amielle
      • They are available at Quantum Comics and the Camrose Public Library!
    • Pride t-shirts have been ordered and will be here in time for the BBQ

Next Regular Meeting on July 3 at 6:00 p.m.

June 5, 2017 Meeting Agenda

June 5, 2017 Meeting Agenda

  1. Introductions and Sharing
  2. Debrief about Jaywalkers’ Jamboree event on June 2 & 3
  3. Memorandum of Understanding with altView
  4. Financial Update: Margaret
  5. Business regarding Upcoming Events
    1. Community BBQ on June 24 (Carol)
    2. Float in Big Valley Jamboree Parade on August 3 (Gus and Carl)
    3. Campfire event (Bryan M. taking the lead)
    4. Community Registration Night on September 7
    5. LGBTQ Seniors presentation on October 4 (collaboration with Camrose Seniors Coalition)
    6. Provincial Conference possibilities (altView and ISMSS taking the lead)
  6. Journey towards registering as a Not-for profit Organization
  7. Final announcements or other business
    1. Safe to Be Me: Weekly Open Art Therapy Group at Haven Art Therapy Studio
    2. Other

May 1,2017 Meeting minutes

Camrose Pride Community May 1, 2017 Meeting
Camrose United Church, 6 – 7:45 pm

Number in attendance: 14

Introductions and Sharing: How are you doing this week?

Safety Presentation: Liz Carter-Morgan joined to lead a discussion on Biblical-based claims against same sex relationships. The discussion was helpful and folks indicated an interest in continuing to discuss this and related issues of community response/homophobia on a regular basis. Take-aways:
• It is less challenging to engage with practicing Christians who study Scripture than others who ‘use’ Scripture
• There are six Clobber Texts that are generally used to support homophobia. Liz highlighted a few.
• Three points to diffuse confrontational conversations using Scripture:
o Ask the person to be specific about placing the chosen passage in the context of the story
o Ask the person how they currently live Biblically (ie, Leviticus)
o Note that judgement is better left to God: “my orientation/identity is between me and God”.
• Use discretion when opting to engage as it can risk escalation of the other person’s reaction.
• Liz added that the Bible is not a singular text, but a library written over many years. Biblical study is essential when selecting specific passages to make specific points.
• In the end, everyone agreed that the primary message of the Bible is one of love.

Jaywalker’s Jamboree on June 2 and 3: Wayne provided an update.
• The Chamber of Commerce has now disallowed our face-painting fundraiser as there are other face-painters who have ‘invested lots of money’ and they now have a limit as to numbers of face-painters.
• Alternative: a children’s fishing pool, with prizes.
• Amber has supplies for fishing pool as well as the booth, including a new tent and sandwich board.
• Everyone agreed to continue with Jaywalkers and offer the fishing pool. We will also have buttons and rainbow flags, which Carl has purchased.
• Action Items:
o Pride members will drop off cash donations (as affordable for them) to Gus at House of Hair Design.
o Sammy will check to see if AQUA has some funds they can donate (to Jaywalkers and/or Parade Float)
o Amber and Jen will take care of the fishing pool, including purchasing the supplies.
o Jen will email reminders re donations and the volunteer schedule.

Another All-Ages Dance in the Fall: There is still interest in organizing this, although it was a bit of work and fairly costly. Expenses are not in this year’s budget, but perhaps Jaywalkers, BBQ and other donations may help. We would not have access to the same DJ, who was paid an honorarium but also donated a lot of time, so would need an alternative DJ. We would probably ask Thomas to MC and Robin Banks to perform. Re-visit at June meeting.

Community BBQ on June 24: This will be a priority item at the June meeting. To note:
• Home Hardware BBQ will be delivered.
• Jonathan won’t be here to help BBQ; Amber’s father may be able to help.
• Rebecca is helping/donating food.
• Will purchase burgers from M & M Meats as pre-cooked.
• Carol may have more details to share at June meeting.
• Other volunteer tasks will be shared at June meeting.

Pride Float, BVJ Parade on August 3
• Julie at Starbucks may support; Starbucks is a Pride Parade supporting business
• Folks on the float need to be secured: tethered or a rail? There are hooks on the flatbed.
• Discussed design of float; tree with rainbows hanging from branches, and rainbow panels along the bottom.
• Action Items:
o Gus contact Sharon at Chamber of Commerce to find out what they mean by ‘secure’ riders
o Sammy find out availability of Augustana folks to participate (incl. Vikings & International Students)
Summer Camp-fire and/or Camp-out
• At Ferintosh Bed & Breakfast; there is room to camp if folks want to
• Probably in September
• Deferred to a later meeting

Altview Update
• Edmonton Pride Parade: Individual wavers not needed this year. Camrose Pride members who want to walk with the Altview float send names to Altview via Jen for inclusion in the group waver.
• Camrose Pride T-Shirts: Altview again printing. Background will be pink. Now using trans colours as have used all the rainbow colours. 2018 will be blue. Let Jen know if wish to order a shirt. Will cost no more than $20, and possibly less. Available for Jaywalkers (by mid-May or thereabouts)
• Action Items:
o Email Jen if you want to walk – fairly soon as the parade is June 10.
o Jen will then connect with Michael/Altview.

Adjournment and Next Meeting: The meeting adjourned at 7:50. Next meeting is June 5, 6 pm, United Church.

May events

Monday May 1 

Camrose Pride Community Meeting

All are welcome

6:00 – 8:00pm

Camrose United Church


Monday May 8

Family and Friends Support


Camrose United Church


Monday May 15

EspressOUT Coffee and Conversation

5:00 – 6:30pm

Alice Hotel Restaurant

Coming next week

Monday April 17th
ExpressOUT 5:00 – 6:30pm
Come for coffee and conversation
NOTE: We will meet at Starbucks due to the Alice Hotels holiday closure

Wednesday April 19th
Canada 150 Film Festival 4-6pm, Bailey Theatre
We will be hosting a sceening of Breakfast with Scott
Come enjoy this awesome Canadian film