Upcoming Events August

August 21 @5:00-6:30 p.m. espressOUT at the Alice Hotel Restaurant  Informal, drop in conversation group. Every body is welcome!

August 24 & 25 Inclusion, Healthcare and the LGBTQ+ Community: Education sessions for Healthcare workers



August 25 @ 7:00 p.m Campfire at The Manor BnB in Ferintosh . Bring chairs and snacks for the fireside. Everyone is welcome. Contact us if you need a ride. We will arrange to carpool to Ferintosh. (jen@altView.ca or carol.breitkreutz@ahs.ca)

August 7, 2017 Meeting Notes

Camrose Pride Community Meeting

August 7, 2017

Chaired by Gus Belcourt

9 members present

Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz

  1. Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives
  • Marissa (from the Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute)shared that she is preparing an education module for Health Care workers at Bethany about LGBTQ Seniors on August 24 and 25.
  • A poster will be added to the website for information.

2. Celebration and review of Big Valley Jamboree Parade Participation

  • Thank yous: TNeal for the trailer, Carl and Gus for design, to everyone who helped with the construction and parade; to all who joined us on our float
  • Celebrations: We won first prize for Community Entry!! – very positive response from the crowd; we were as inclusive as we could possibly be (babies, children, parents, seniors, families, politicians (MLAs), community members, business reps (Starbucks), drag queen
  • Learnings: have specific grab bags with candy and flyers, ration the distribution of give aways to last for the whole parade, make more buttons
  • Future plans: Should we take our float to other parades next year? We may need a Parade committee for next year to investigate the possibilities.
  1. Planning for upcoming events
  • Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast à Friday, August 25 at 7:00 p.m. Bring chairs. Other details will be posted.
  • Wellness Fair at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta on September 6 (10-2) Sammy, Carol, Jen and Shae
  • Community Registration Night on September 7: 6:30-9:00 pm TNeal, Jen, Amielle
  • Michael Phair Seniors’ Event on October 4
  • Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined
  • Action for Potential Collaborations:  Will book a meeting with ED of Student Life to meet with Val, Sammy, Wayne, Gus and Carol to discuss LGBTQ supports on campus and in community
  • Action: Winter Celebration Potluck: Jonathan in charge of music, invite the Filipino community and others
  1. Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives
  • October 14 Building Capacity in Rural Communities for Diversity and Inclusion
    • An Augustana venue has been booked
    • Action: A meeting with Michael, Bryan and Wayne, Gus, Jen will be arranged
  1. Other items from the group:
  • Latest edition of Anarqueers Volume 3 is out; Jen is helping with circulation
  • Donation cheque gratefully received from AQUA for Camrose Pride Community
  • Presented a good bye/good luck card to Dusty as he leaves for Red Deer College

6. espressOUT on August 21 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

  1. Next Regular Group Meeting on September 4 at 6:00 p.m.
  • Family and Friends Support Group will resume on September 11, 2017

Adjournment at 7:20 p.m.

LGBTQ+ Roundtable

From our friend Justin Reinke

Hi friends! I hope the summer is treating you well!

I’m thrilled to be assisting Tim Cartmell, city council candidate for Ward 9, in engaging the LGBTQ+ community during his campaign! Tim is an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and he wants to have an informal roundtable discussion with LGBTQ+ people to better understand the municipal issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community in Edmonton! If you live in Edmonton and in Ward 9 (Terwillegar-Rutherford-MacEwan area), that is a big plus, but not required! If you are willing to commute to Edmonton, you are more than welcome to join! The more perspectives we can get, the better!

The roundtable will take place on Thursday August 17th 7-9pm. The location is TBA, but will be in Edmonton! If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6dhi82WM11VrPJs2U4Mgnhb_HQY1dk_EFECcE7kodS5p5nQ/viewform?usp=send_form

I’m using the form to gauge the interest in order to book an appropriate venue, as well as to update those interested on new information! So please make sure you register if you want to come! If you have a guest/friend/support person that also wants to attend, please have them also fill out the form! Please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested!

I hope to see some of you then!

August 7, 2017 Regular Meeting Agenda


Chaired by Gus Belcourt and Wayne Wilson

Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz

  1. Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives
  2. Celebration and review of Big Valley Jamboree Parade Participation
  • Thank yous
  • Celebrations
  • Learnings
  • Future plans

3. Planning for upcoming events

  • Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast
  • Wellness Fair at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta on September 6 (10-2)
  • Community Registration Night on September 7: 6:30-9:00 pm
  • Michael Phair Seniors’ Event on October 4
  • Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined
  • Potential Collaborations

4. Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives

5. Other items from the group

6. espressOUT on August 21 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

7. Next Regular Group Meeting on September 4 at 6:00 p.m.

August Events

August 3 Big Valley Jamboree Parade

  • If you are not participating with us in the parade, come out and cheer us on.
  • Parade begins at 10:30 a.m.
  • Those who are in the parade with our float, meet at the Brick parking lot at 8:30 a.m. wearing bright colours (tropical theme) and bring a colourful umbrella if you have one.

August 3 Celebratory BBQ at Gus’ House in the Garden

  • 6:30 p.m. Potluck BBQ at 5811-41 Ave Close
  • Burgers will be provided; bring other food items to share
  • Come and celebrate our first entry in the BVJ Parade!

August 7 Regular Monthly Meeting at Camrose United Church

  • Meet in the United Church Parlour from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
  • All are welcome. Come help us plan our exciting fall events.

August 21 espressOUT 5:00-6:30 pm

  • Drop in conversation group at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
  • Everyone is welcome!

Special Announcement

Would you like to be on the Camrose Pride Community Float in the Big Valley Jamboree Parade on August 3?

Let Jen know by July 17 if you plan to participate. (jen@altView.ca)

Wear bright colours and if you have a rainbow umbrella, bring it.

Meet at the Brick Parking Lot at 8:30 a.m.

Judging is at 9:30 a.m.

The parade commences at 10:30 a.m.

There will be a potluck BBQ at Gus’ house in his garden in the evening of August 3 at 6:30 p.m. (5811 41 Ave Close). Burgers will be provided. Please bring other food to share.



July 3, 2017 Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes for July 3, 2017

Chaired by Gus Belcourt, Regrets: Wayne Wilson, Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz

Present: 7 members


Item Discussion Notes Action
Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives


Celebration and review of Community BBQ event on June 24


Over 100 in attendance

The donations have not yet been tabulated.

Happy to have Bruce Hinkley, MLA and Bill Sears, City Councilor, in attendance at our BBQ again this year!

Great to visit with all the people who came to the BBQ; freedom to visit because Rebecca and her family were taking care of the food; such a great help!

Thank you also to all who helped in big ways and small for the event!

Made some good connections with some other groups in Camrose

Carol will send thank you cards to Home Hardware, Rebecca’s Bistro and Sweet Treats, Camrose Public Library and Camrose Business Directory


Planning for Upcoming Events


Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry


Everyone is invited to a Potluck gathering in Gus’ garden for a BBQ in the evening of August 3 after the parade at 6:30 p.m.; we will BBQ the burgers left over after the Community BBQ; everyone can contribute other items for the supper

Deadline for confirming participation in the parade will be July 17

Bruce Hinkley, MLA for this constituency, will be riding with us on the float (other MLAs as well).

Everyone must arrive by 8:30 a.m. at the parking lot of The Brick; judging is at 9:30 and the parade commences at 10:30 Rain or Shine

Give aways: handbills, buttons, pride flags; there might be an opportunity to make more buttons before the parade


Contribute to potluck on August 3 (burgers will be provided)

Jen will send out an email to confirm people’s participation in the parade because we must communicate our numbers to the organizers.

Invite others to walk with us in the parade and let Jen know.

Carol will find out the dimensions of the trailer and communicate this to Carl who is planning decorations

If anyone is able to help decorate the float, meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Auto Shoppe on Wednesday, August 2 where we will be decorating the float

The Auto Shoppe is at 4709 – 36 Street.

Bring rainbow umbrellas if possible; wear bright colours; Camrose Pride Community shirts or the shirt of their organization

Jen will bring the water bottles left over from the BBQ for the participants on the float

Ehren and TNeal are working on the music (1 hour looped) for the float

Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast Bryan will determine a date for the latter part of August.
Other events coming up in the Fall


Community Registration Night on September 7: Volunteers needed for Booth


Michael Pfair Seniors’ Event on October 4; publicity will be commencing


Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined


Potential Collaborations: There is potential with the Filipino Community who have been invited to walk with us in the parade.


Concerns about the support for AQUA on the Augustana Campus

Discussion about holding some Camrose Pride Community Meetings on the Augustana Campus

Consider an education pamphlet for use with the Augustana students


Amielle, Jen and TNeal will volunteer for Community Registration Night







The group is fine with the funders attending the Expressive Arts sessions; Carol will communicate this to the organizers




Camrose Pride Community Leadership Team would like to meet with the previous AQUA Leadership Team and the Augustana Student Life Executive Director; Carol will try to arrange this meeting for later in the summer before classes commence


Ask Bryan (through ISSMS) if there is some way to address the sports teams regarding inclusivity and respect

Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives Tabled
Other items from the group


The second issue of Anarqueers will be about Safe Spaces in Camrose and resources in Camrose

This second issue will be 25 pages long, an increase from 14 pages for the first edition; sales have been going well.


Anarqueers is available for purchase at Quantum Comics.


July 17 at Alice Hotel Restaurant 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Family and Friends Group This group is taking a break for the summer months and will resume in September
Next Meeting August 7 6:00-8:00 p.m. Camrose United Church in the Parlour

July 3, 2017 Meeting Agenda

Chaired by Gus Belcourt, Regrets: Wayne Wilson, Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz

  1. Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives
  2. Celebration and review of Community BBQ event on June 24
  3. Planning for Upcoming Events
    1. Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry
    2. Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast
    3. Other events coming up in the Fall
      1. Community Registration Night on September 7: Volunteers needed for Booth
      2. Michael Pfair Seniors’ Event on October 4
      3. Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined
      4. Potential Collaborations
  4. Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives
  5. Other items from the group
  6. espressOUT on July 17 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
  7. Next Regular Group Meeting on August 7 at 6:00 p.m.


Fun and Games -BBQ photos

Just a few of the wonderful folks who came out to our BBQ

This majestic fellow graciously allowed himself to be photographed in his Pride finery

One of our amazing co-chairs, the fabulous Gus Belcourt

Our fantastic BBQ masters


Huge thanks go out to Rebecca and her crew from Rebecca’s Bistro and Sweet Treats for the delicious food.  Thanks also to Home Hardware for the generous loan of their BBQ and the the lovely folks at the Camrose Directory for donating bottles of water for everyone.